Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sándor Balassa

In my reading of the book 3 questions for 65 composers by Bálint András Varga I´ve encountered few nuggets of gold in my oppinion and I intend to write them here to make them easier for me to remember. If you dont know me, then believe me when I say that I do have a bad memory. If I want to remember stuff I have to work at it, like by writing it down or reciting it a few times in my head. I drift easily, which is a pro in some situations I like to think.

Last I read the chapter where the Hungarian composer Sándor Balassa answers the 3 questions presented by Bálint (The questions in question are not important in understanding the quotes I write here). I find some of things he says very interesting in the context of discovering one-self as a composer.

The composer renews himself all the time and remains the same nevertheless. He struggles to re-create himself day by day, but strives also to link the changes to the values he has already created in the past.

The forum created by art is a place where man can meet himself and the cosmos.

The fact that modernist music has lost the sympathy of listeners is due in part to its renunciation of the principle of repetition.  Look, I am no linguist. I have no intention of inventing new languages. I would like to communicate something in the language we have, so that my message should reach it´s addressees.

If I do not concentrate on the principal voice, I will end up being the main obstacle of rendering my music effective.

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