Saturday, June 2, 2012

Diary of a dramatic composer...

Diary of a dramatic composer... 
June 2nd, 2012: 

I´ve been putting it off for a while continuing with my Chroma composition, with only 9 days to go today towards the deadline I decided it was time to finally tackle it.

After struggling with the opening for a whole day I gave up and deleted it (with theatrical gestures I might add) and started over. 2 hours later I had a new opening but then decided to listen to the old one again, just for kicks (recorded live at a workshop 2 weeks earlier). That´s when I decided to use the old one after all, with some alterations. But now I cant find the right backup score so I´ll have to write it up again completely.

Thank god for my old print out.

Productive day? Hell yeah! (warning, sarcasm)

Here is a tiny bit of the workshop with Chroma where they played my sketch.

Short sketch (mostly strings) - nota bene: first time rehearsal

Bless og ekkert kex!

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