Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Verk í vinnslu / Works in progress

Now its time to recap, I have so many things and ideas going on that its hard to keep them in order. Lets set up lists:

-Symphony / Oratorio #1 "Skuggablóm". 1st chapter of 3-4 ready.
-"Völuspá" for 4 voices, piano and brass (as it looks today).
-"Tango misterioso" for chamber orchestra. A re-arrangement for Elektra Ensamble of my 2009 piece.

-A piece for Skólahljómsveit Kópavogs (brassband). Due next spring at the latest. Most likely a upbeat bigband swing/funk.
-A new, agressive opera. Agressive in instrumentation and staging, not musical material. It will be based on a true heartbreaking story. More on that later.

-Finishing songs for The KiteCompany. We have alot of half mixed sessions wich need attention. In addition to that I want to try to make epic electronic versions of the songs, at least the emotional single "Trees" (See last post).
-GSMD projects, and they will be challenging I hear.

-Last bu not least I´m planing to re-write my solo piano piece "Syndadansinn" (the dance of sins)(http://youtu.be/O17ftW9lJ-s). During the 1st week of Guildhall there is a collaboration project between the postgraduate composers and pianists to perform new works for the music induction consert at Barbican Hall 30th of september. I´m very excited about that. Talking about diving right into it.

So, I have alot on my plate. Ideal would be to finish "Völuspá" and "Tango Misterioso" for the composers society before the start of term the 19th of sept. Even though that is quite a handfull, Im currently just taking it easy on a train on my way from Stockholm to Malmö to party with old friends. I just finished my last day at my summerjob yesterday and its time to celebrate the coming of loads of compositioning. As soon as we get settled in London the ball will hopefully start to roll.

For now its time to have some te and muffins.

(written 27/08/11, published 30/08/11)

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