Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Harry Partch: Genesis of a Music

Yesterday, after being recommended by my supervisor, I glanced through Harry Partch´s Genesis of a Music. I dont know if I find his ideas about "Just Intonation" and "The Monophonic Concept" directly relevant to what I want to do in my music/research, although they are interesting no doubt. His ideas in general about music on the other hand, and the way he phrases them, are intriguing. Some of it simple truth at it´s core, but refreshing nevertheless.

"A tone in music, is not a hermit [...] it is always in relation to another tone, heard or implied. In other words, it is a musical interval." (p.86)

"The impulse to the growth and evolution of music is generated by the human ear, not by the piano keyboard." (p.95)

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