Monday, November 7, 2011

Elektra ensemble

I have 2 composers society projects going on right now.

"Society of new music" has a consert on this wednesday with works after composers studying in Guildhall school. Rod Yu will perform to 1 new and 1 old piece for piano written by me.

The pieces are : "Syndadansinn"[2008] and "One week"[2011].

Everyone is welcome and entrance is free.

Then The new composers society (Nýtt Tónskáldafélag) in Iceland is working on pieces for Elektra Ensemble

The instrumentation is a quintet for Flute/piccolo, Bb/Eb Clar., piano, violin & cello. My idea is to use influences from Arvo Pärt and Jón Leifs.

The consert will take place as a part of "Dark music days" (Myrkir Músíkdagar) , a classical music festival in Iceland at Reykjavik´s Art Museum in 26th - 29th january, 2012.

Here is a short text about the project written by Elektra (in Icelandic):

Elektra á Myrkum músíkdögum – Dagana 26. - 29. janúar 2012
Í dimmasta skammdeginu verður boðið upp á frumflutning á sjö verkum sem meðlimir Nýja tónskáldafélagsins hafa samið fyrir Elektra Ensemble. Nýja tónskáldafélagið er öflugur hópur ungra tónskálda á Íslandi sem eru að koma sér á framfæri. Elektra Ensemble er sannur heiður af því að styðja við bakið á þessu efnilega tónlistarfólki.

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